We offer a wide variety of data and automation services
Web Scraping
Do you need to collect data from a website that doesn't have an API? We develop custom web scrapers that work on Linux, macOS and Windows using the popular Requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.
Do you need to automate and schedule tasks such as seeding content in your soecial media? We offer development of custom bots for Reddit, Telegram, Twitter and Discord.
Data Reporting
We offer custom beautiful data reports powered by Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.
Data Cleaning
Do you have a dataset that needs clean up? We offer custom solutions to delete duplicates, fill missing data and modelling for your Data Science needs.
Media Automation
Do you have a lot of images and or videos that need to be rescaled, reencoded and stitched together? We offer custom solutions using FFMPEG, ImageMagick and the Pillow library.
Web Automation
Do you want to automate a repetitive task in a web site? We offer custom solutions powered by Selenium.
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